Some things are easier said than done and that’s definitely the case when it comes to being on TV. Whether you’re about to go on national TV to talk about your company or you’re leading a company-wide zoom presentation, the key is to be you. No, really. It’s that simple. To be great on air you have to get out of your own head and focus on what truly matters: the topic. So here are some easy tips to help you feel more confident on air:
Be yourself. When you’re giving a presentation or speaking on a larger platform the key is to speak in your own voice so that your messaging is clear and your authenticity resonates. This allows for fluidity and connection with the audience so if you do mess up a word or two, hey, you’re only human. In TV news we suggest you imagine you’re speaking to your mother or your best friend, and that’s where you find your true voice. And while sounding like yourself is important, so is looking like your best self. Wear something simple but something that makes you feel your best. It could be that pair of heels that gives you that extra touch of confidence or your favorite navy power suit. Try to avoid any busy patterns as it’s distracting to the eye and can cause the TV to moiré.
Be intentional. What is your message? And why should your audience care? It’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you want to say it. An easy way to do this is to outline your presentation as a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. Keep it simple and relatable to your demo. We suggest having 3 bullet points written down or in your head to help guide your thoughts if you get lost and can keep you on track.
Be prepared. Know your material. The brain has muscle memory so if you think you might get nervous speaking or performing in front of an audience practicing the material several times before can help you feel confident. In TV, breaking news is usually done with little preparation but every other time you see anyone on TV they have prepared their talking points and read their scripts over and over and over again before going on air. Even the pros.
For more media tips or to help you or your company leaders get confident on camera, Book a Call with Us to learn about our media services.